
The View from Here: National Galleries of Scotland

The View from Here: Landscape Photography from the National Galleries of Scotland
Three aerial images made by Patricia + Angus Macdonald featured in The View from Here, the exhibition of landscape photography from the permanent collections of the National Galleries of Scotland (NGS) recently on show in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery (SNPG), Edinburgh (29 October […]

By |January 6th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized||

Farewell to John Berger

Farewell to John Berger, 2 January 2017
Thinking of John & Beverly, summer & winter at Quincy, roses trémières & gnôle, Alpine flying over the snow, intense discussions, planning & designing our joint edition of Once in Europa, long ago.
Tireless and furious worker, seminal thinker, passionate & compassionate artist, inspirational writer, joyous and hospitable friend.  
Ride […]

By |January 3rd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized||

New South Glasgow Hospitals: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital

Patricia + Angus Macdonald were invited participating artists in the successful therapeutic design and art strategy, Working Well: People and Space, for the newly opened South Glasgow Hospitals’ Beacon project (Queen Elizabeth University Hospital), working as part of a team assembled by Ginkgo Projects, with Matthew Dalziel + Louise Scullion as immediate lead artists, […]

By |May 6th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized||

New Aerographica website launched

Patricia + Angus Macdonald would like to welcome you to the new Aerographica website.
We hope the new site will provide a useful overview of our various activities: both to the editorially led side of our environmental aerial photographic practice, including the Aerographica Archive, and also to the types of aerial imagery, exhibitions and book […]

By |February 14th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized||

‘Landmark: The Fields of Landscape Photography’

Patricia + Angus Macdonald were recently invited to contribute aerial artwork (see below) to a definitive new international survey of landscape photography, Landmark: The Fields of Landscape Photography, authored by the eminent curator William A. Ewing (Thames & Hudson, 2014). They also participated in the seminar accompanying the UK launch of the book at Tate […]

By |November 27th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized||