Patricia + Angus Macdonald are each the author or co-author of more than ten books (some of them co-authored with each-other) and have contributed to numerous other publications and conference proceedings.
In the overlapping contexts of aerial imagery, cultural landscape and environmental artworks, their self-authored publications include: Surveying the Anthropocene: Environment and photography now (2022), The Hebrides: An aerial view of a cultural landscape (2010), Airworks (2001), Once in Europa (1999, with John Berger), Views of Gaia (2001), Granite & Green (1992), The Highlands and Islands of Scotland (1991), Order & Chaos: Views of Gaia (1990), Above Edinburgh (1989) and Shadow of Heaven (1989).
Recent books and articles by others that feature their work include:
Scottish Art in 100 Works, (2023, Allerston, National Galleries of Scotland); Scottish Art, (2021, Macdonald, Thames & Hudson; Landmark: The Fields of Landscape Photography (2014, Ewing, Thames & Hudson); Photography and Flight (2010, Cosgrove & Fox, Reaktion); A History of Scottish Photography (2007, Normand, Luath); The Oxford Companion to the Photograph (2005/6, Lenman, Ed., OUP) and conversations/reviews in the journals History of Photography (2004, Stevenson, Issue 28); Portfolio (2000 and 2010, Lawson, Issues 31 and 52); and Studies in Photography (2016: Edition I: 30th Anniversary edition, Scottish Society for the History of Photography).
See Selected Publications list (below) and As authors and Features/Comment pages (links at the right or below) for details.
Their work has also been extensively published editorially by clients including government agencies, non-governmental organisations and a wide range of publishers internationally. See Editorial Uses page for a few examples.
Selected Publications
As authors/co-authors and/or artist-photographers:
2024: ‘Environmental regeneration in a dynamic Highland glen‘, Macdonald, Patricia, Leaves (‘by Leaves we live’), issue 5, Stevenson, S., (Ed.) Lawson, J. and Hamilton, A. (Co-Eds), Studies in Photography, Edinburgh, pp 42-51
2022: Surveying the Anthropocene: Environment and photography now, Macdonald, Patricia (editor, introductory keynote essay & contributor), Studies in Photography/Edinburgh University Press. Major, generously illustrated global survey of the genre and its contribution to current debate. For details, reviews and blogs, see:
* Winner of the Saltire Society Research Book of the Year 2022
Review by Chris Arthur in World Literature Today, Sep/Oct22:
Arthur-Chris-World-Literature-Sep:Oct22-Review-Surveying-the-Anthropocene [PDF]
2017: ‘Disturbance and resilience in a Highland glen‘, Macdonald, Patricia, After the Storm, Edwards, Ian (Ed.), Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Edinburgh, pp 22-31
2016: ‘Change in Glen Feshie: environmental change in a dynamic Cairngorms landscape‘, Macdonald, Patricia, The Nature of Scotland, Autumn/Winter 2016 (Issue 24), Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby, pp 12-17 [or online and to download as PDF at: / > Search for: ‘Publication 2016 – The Nature of Scotland magazine Autumn Winter 2016 – Issue 24′]
2010: The Hebrides: An aerial view of a cultural landscape (co-authors/photographers), Macdonald, Angus & Patricia, with foreword by James Hunter. Birlinn, Edinburgh
2009: ‘Marginal lands? An overview of the environmental contexts of cultural landscapes in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland’, Macdonald, Patricia & Angus, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 15, No. 3, pp 108-41
2005: ‘Emergent landscapes’, Macdonald, Patricia, Journal of Visual Art Practice 4: 2+3, pp 83-96
2005: ‘Overviews of Scotland’s earth heritage’, Macdonald, Patricia, in Earth Heritage: The geological and landscape conservation magazine, 23, pp 14-15
2003: ‘”Naming” and “framing” land: labels and representation in land-use change, debate and conflict’, Macdonald, Patricia, in Deterritorialisations…Revisioning Landscapes and Politics: Dorrian, Mark & Gillian Rose (Eds), Black Dog Publications, London/New York
2001: Airworks, Macdonald, Patricia in collaboration with Angus Macdonald, Catalogue, with essay by Duncan Macmillan, Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh/Boukamel Contemporary Art, London
1999: Once in Europa, Berger, John & Patricia Macdonald, (artist-photographer with Angus Macdonald, pilot; story by John Berger), Bloomsbury, London
1998: ‘The experience of landscape character’ in ‘Landscape character of Scotland’s coasts’, Hughes, Rebecca & Patricia Macdonald, in Scotland’s Living Coastline, The Stationery Office/Scottish Natural Heritage, Edinburgh
1998: ‘Enjoying landscape: ways of seeing the land’, Macdonald, Patricia, in Scotland’s Natural Heritage, 1998, 13
1995: Scottish Society for the History of Photography Annual Photographer’s Lecture: ‘To remain dissolved…: aspects of photography and language’, Macdonald, Patricia, in Studies in Photography, SSHoP c/o National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh
1994: Editor/writer: 26 photographic entries, Macdonald, Patricia, in Larousse Dictionary of Women, Larousse, Paris/London
1992: Views of Gaia, Images from exhibition to mark the UK Presidency of the European Council of Ministers (Macdonald, Patricia, artist-photographer, with Angus Macdonald), London, British Council
1992: Granite & Green, Macdonald, Angus & Patricia (co-authors/photographers), with introduction by James Naughtie, Mainstream, Edinburgh
1992: Contributor of 12 entries on photography, Macdonald, Patricia, Chambers Scottish Biographical Dictionary, Chambers, Edinburgh/New York
1991: ‘Aerial perspectives’, Macdonald, Patricia, in Photoresearcher 3, European Society for the History of Photography
1991: The Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Macdonald, Angus & Patricia (co-authors/photographers), with introduction by George Mackay Brown, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London (later edns >2001)
1990: Order & Chaos: Views of Gaia: Photographs by Patricia Macdonald, Catalogue, Macdonald, Patricia, with Angus Macdonald; with introduction by Rebecca Coggins and essays by James Lawson and James Lovelock, Stills Gallery, Edinburgh
1989: Shadow of Heaven, Macdonald, Patricia (sole author/artist-photographer, with Angus Macdonald, pilot); with essay by novelist Dominic Cooper, Aurum, London/Rizzoli, New York
1989: Above Edinburgh, Macdonald, Angus & Patricia (co-authors/photographers); with introduction by Neal Ascherson and poems by Norman MacCaig, Mainstream, Edinburgh
1988: The Scenery of Scotland: The Structure Beneath (Macdonald, Patricia, editorial/design, & aerial photography in collaboration with Angus Macdonald, author W G Baird), National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh (later editions & reprints to 2009)
1980: Plants Invade the Land, (Macdonald, Patricia, co-author & illustrator with W G Chaloner), HMSO/Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh
As subjects (major articles):
2010: ‘Edge: Hebrides by Patricia Macdonald in collaboration with Angus Macdonald, in the form of a conversation‘, Lawson, James and Patricia Macdonald, in Portfolio: the catalogue of contemporary photography in Britain, Portfolio Gallery, Edinburgh, 52, pp 32-7
2005/6: ‘Conceptual landscapes: the aerial photographs of Patricia Macdonald’ (Special Feature entry), in Lenman, Robin (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to the Photograph, Oxford, Oxford University Press, p 9 and two full-page plates opp. pp 42-3
2004: ‘Patricia Macdonald in conversation with Sara Stevenson’, History of Photography, 28, 1, Frontispiece & pp 43-56
2000: ‘Patricia Macdonald: Emergent Landscapes’, Lawson, James, in Portfolio: the catalogue of contemporary photography in Britain, 31, Portfolio Gallery, Edinburgh, pp 38-43
1999: ‘The middle distance: on the photography of Patricia Macdonald‘, Dorrian, Mark, in Katalog, 11: 2, Museet for Fotokunst, Ødense, Denmark
1994: ‘Views of Gaia: Patricia Macdonald‘, Xu Yanjuan, Chinese Photography, 1994, Beijing
1989: ‘The Marks of Someone Travelling: Overviews and insights: Considerations of Patricia Macdonald’s Aerial Art‘, Cooper, Thomas Joshua, Portfolio 3, Portfolio Gallery, Edinburgh
As subjects in books/group catalogues/commentary/portfolios:
2023: Allerston, Patricia (Ed.), Scottish Art in 100 Works, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, p. 152 & 178
2021: Macdonald, Murdo, Scottish Art (World of Art series), Thames & Hudson, (2nd edn), pp 182, 241 & 261
2014: Ewing, William A, Landmark: The Fields of Landscape Photography, Thames & Hudson, pp 194 & 250
2014: Clarke, Michael, The Art of Golf, with essay by Kenneth McConkey, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, pp 40-43, 68-9 & inside front and back covers
2012: Smiles, Sam, Flight and the Artistic Imagination, with foreword by Steven Parissien, Compton Verney, Warwickshire/Paul Holberton, London, p. 40
2012: High Museum of Art, Atlanta in collaboration with the National Galleries of Scotland, The Art of Golf, with essays by Rand Jerris, Catherine M Lewis, Richard Anthony Lewis, Jordan Mearns & Christian Tico Seifert, High Museum of Art, Atlanta ‘Scottish Courses Today: New Commission by Patricia Macdonald': ‘Bunkered terrain: Scottish golf landscapes, 2011’, part of the ongoing series ‘The Play Grounds’)
2010: Cosgrove, Denis and William L Fox, Photography and Flight, Reaktion Books – Exposures, London, pp 118, 120, 123, 140
2007: Normand, Tom, Scottish Photography: A history, Luath Press, Edinburgh, pp 6, 8, 71, 73-5, 91, 174, 176, 180
2005 ‘Conceptual landscapes: the aerial photographs of Patricia Macdonald’ (Special Feature entry), in Lenman, Robin (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to the Photograph, Oxford, Oxford University Press, p 9 and two full-page plates opp. pp 42-3
2001/2009: Stevenson, Sara and Duncan Forbes, A Companion guide to photography in the National Galleries of Scotland, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, p 197
2001: DIN Art 4, Museumsstiftung Post und Telekommunikation/Edition Braus, Heidelberg
1997: Spalding, Julian, GOMA (Gallery of Modern Art) Catalogue, Glasgow Art Galleries, Glasgow
1995: Stevenson, Sara (Ed.), Light from the dark room: A celebration of Scottish photography, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, pp 49, 80-1, 98-9, 126
1993: ‘Patricia Macdonald: ‘Salt.Sand’, in Foster, A, K Gill, G Shearer and G Coates (Eds), Catalogue: Fotofeis, Edinburgh, pp 152-3
1992: Cahiers de Géopoétique, 3, 1992, IIG/Editions Zoë, Trebeurden/Geneva, pp 94-5
1991: ‘Patricia Macdonald’, in Kunst, Europa: 63 deutsche Kunstvereine zeigen Kunst aus 20 Landern, Vowinckel, Andreas et al., (Eds), Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Kunstvereine (AdKV), Bonn, pp 13.38-9
1990: Scottish Photography Portfolio I (Stevenson, Sara, intro.), Portfolio Gallery, Edinburgh