
‘Untitled: Earth: “Anthropocene Epoch”‘:

Contribution by Patricia + Angus Macdonald to exhibition accompanying the symposium: Postcards from the Anthropocene: Unsettling the Geopolitics of Representation, University of Edinburgh / Edinburgh College of Art, June 2017.

For details of the event, please see: http://www.postcardsfromtheanthropocene.com

The publication from the symposium, which is edited by Benek Cincik and Tiago Campos and involves 49 contributors, 45 contributions and the editorial advice of Cesar Reyes Najera from DPR-Barcelona, is currently published as an e-book, and will be launched virtually on 22 April 2022. It is available now through the website of DPR-Barcelona:

 DPR-barcelona’s website


Post updated 20 April 2022