
‘Environmental regeneration in a dynamic Highland glen’, ‘Leaves’ 5

The article ‘Environmental regeneration in a dynamic Highland glen’ by Patricia Macdonald, featuring images of environmental change – including the dramatic return of the native pinewoods – over the three decades up to 2024, in Glen Feshie in the Cairngorms, appears in the journal ‘Leaves’, edited by Sara Stevenson with co-editors Julie Lawson and […]

By |November 24th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized||

‘Scottish Art in 100 Works’, National Galleries of Scotland, 2023

An aerial photographic image by Patricia + Angus Macdonald * is one of the 100 works from the collections of the National Galleries of Scotland that are included in the impressive book Scottish Art in 100 Works (Allerston, Patricia, Ed.), just published by NGS to mark the opening in September 2023 of the beautiful […]

By |November 15th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized||

Flick-book of ‘Surveying the Anthropocene’ on Danish photographic journal ‘Katalog”s Facebook page

The highly regarded Danish photography journal Katalog has just published its 100th issue (No. 33.2) – Many congratulations to Editor & Publisher Jens Friis and Museum Director and former Co-Editor Finn Thrane for all their excellent work since 1988. 
A ‘flick-book’ preview of Surveying the Anthropocene: Environment and photography now (Macdonald, Patricia, Ed., Studies in Photography/Edinburgh University Press, […]

By |January 11th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized||

‘Surveying the Anthropocene’ wins Research Book of the Year award in Scotland’s National Book Awards

The book Surveying the Anthropocene: Environment and photography now, edited by Patricia Macdonald; published by Studies in Photography in partnership with Edinburgh University Press; designed by Ian McIlroy, Edinburgh; and printed and bound by J Thomson Colour Printers / Bell & Bain Ltd, Glasgow; has won the Research Book of the Year award in […]

By |December 10th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized||

‘Surveying the Anthropocene’ shortlisted for Scotland’s National Book Awards 2022

The book Surveying the Anthropocene: Environment and photography now, edited by Patricia Macdonald, and published by Studies in Photography in partnership with Edinburgh University Press, has been shortlisted for Scottish Research Book of the Year in Scotland’s National Book Awards 2022:



By |November 15th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized||

Edinburgh’s Radical Book Fair: Our Fight 2022: ‘Art & Resistance’ panel discussion

Patricia Macdonald was one of the participants, along with Clementine Ewokolo Burnley and Janine Booth, in the panel discussion ‘Art & Resistance’, chaired by Jess Brough, at Edinburgh’s Radical Book Fair: Our Fight 2022, on 11 November 22, which you can view here:


The panellists each introduced themselves with a 5-minute presentation prior to the […]

By |November 12th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized||

‘Strengthening Culture’s Role in Climate Action’, SNaCC at V&A, Dundee, 29.9.22

Patricia Macdonald gave a presentation ‘Showing Land: Releasing the power of environmental imagery’, followed by discussion, together with Isobel Griffin and Stephanie Straine of the National Galleries of Scotland, as part of the event ‘Strengthening Culture’s Role in Climate Action’ organised by the Scottish National Culture for Climate (SNaCC) group, at the V&A, Dundee […]

By |October 1st, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized||

RSA Annual Exhibition 2022

Patricia Macdonald’s short video piece High Water: Sea-level rise was first shown in a blog commissioned by the National Galleries of Scotland as part of a series of environment-related blogs for the Art and Artists / Features section of their website – based on some of her images held in their collections – for the lead-up to two major […]

By |April 20th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized||

‘Surveying the Anthropocene: Environment and photography now’ by Patricia Macdonald

Surveying the Anthropocene: Environment and photography now, edited by Patricia Macdonald, was published on 30 March 2022 by Studies in Photography in collaboration with Edinburgh University Press. 

The book presents a range of approaches to image-making concerning the environment by some of the best artist-photographers working worldwide, alongside texts by some of the most illuminating writers on environmental questions, at a […]

By |April 19th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized||

National Galleries of Scotland environment blogs

The National Galleries of Scotland commissioned Patricia Macdonald to make a series of blogs on environment-related themes for the Art and Artists / Features section of their website – based on some of her images held in their collections– for the lead-up to two major UN Conferences: on Climate (COP26 in Glasgow 2021) and Biodiversity (COP15 […]

By |April 19th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized||